Saturday, April 2, 2022 at 10:00 a.m.
via Zoom

How about some good news for a change?
KISS THE GROUND unveils a game-changer to our climate crisis: the Earth’s own soil. Here it is…we can reverse global warming.
The solution is called “Regenerative Agriculture,” and this film presents the research, practice, and hope we need to move forward. Together.
Right now, soil might be the last thing on your mind. But in a moment when the future of our planet and humankind is at stake, nothing may be more important than regenerating the ground beneath us. We’re in need of a kind of hope we’ve never felt before.
Regenerative Agriculture can: revive farmer prosperity, reduce flooding and drought, replenish freshwater sources, reduce fire hazards, reverse global warming, recreate regional access to nutrient-dense food, reduce toxic pesticides & fertilizers, reduce dead zones & water pollution, reverse extinction, and reconnect humanity & nature.
KISS THE GROUND offers a solution to heal our planet and keep our species away from the extinction list, and will be screened via Zoom on April 2, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. (Central Time). This screening is sponsored by the Green Sanctuary Committee of Countryside Church Unitarian Universalist.
There will be a Q&A session after the movie with Ryland Englehart, a co-founder and Executive Director of Kiss the Ground.
Registration is required. To register, go to the Countryside Church UU Kiss the Groundscreening website. Donations to support environmental work at Countryside Church UU will be gratefully received. All donations will be shared with Kiss the Ground. To donate, go to and select “other”. Please note on the form that this donation is for the Kiss the Ground screening.