Search 2023—Your Participation Is Needed!

In June 2023, we will vote on the candidate we select to become our new permanent Minister. But many actions and activities must occur before we reach that point, and soon we’ll post an overview of the process so you know what will be happening and when and what your role is.

Our first activity will be to choose a Search Committee later this spring—a Committee that we all feel can represent the viewpoints of our very diverse congregation. This is where you come in!

Starting in early March, you will receive a brief phone call from a member of the Board or Nominating Committee asking for your ideas about who you’d suggest for the Search Committee. The input of our congregation is essential for a good search process. Results of the calls will be considered by the Board as one of the resources used to identify potential Search Committee members. You – the congregation – will vote on the final Search Committee membership in June 2022. 

In the phone call you will be asked 6 – 7 questions (well, some are multiple questions!) and here is a preview of some of them to get you thinking:

  • What are the good qualities needed for someone to serve on a ministerial search committee?
  • Who in the congregation works well with others?
  • Who knows (or can learn) the history and culture of the congregation, whether a member of long standing or relatively new?
  • Who can use this history proactively instead of reactively on behalf of the congregation?
  • Who can represent and serve the whole congregation well (including looking out for the needs of children) and not just a piece or “faction” of the congregation?
  • Who would have no “axe to grind?”
  • Who has been and/or is active in the congregation and has demonstrated both responsible participation and responsible leadership?
  • After thinking about all of these questions, who would you trust to serve on the Search Committee on behalf of the congregation?

Please note that this “survey” call is asking for your input on identifying members for the Search Committee. Later, once the Search Committee is in place, that committee will conduct a congregation-wide survey seeking your input on the characteristics of the permanent minister we seek, as described in Rev. Don’s article here.

If you have any questions in advance of receiving your phone call, please contact Margie Gonwa at or Amos Biggers at

Please take or return that important call!
We appreciate your participation and ideas!