01/20/2019 Sunday 11:30 am

The UUA is considering a Statement of Conscience (SOC) based on the Congregational Study Action Issue titled Democracy Uncorrupted.   Congregations are asked to gather their feedback on the draft SOC and submit it to the UUA’s Commission on Social Witness by February 1. To obtain copies of the draft document:

  • Click through to the UUA website: html or pdf with line numbers
  • Pick up a copy of the draft document at the Social Justice Council table on either January 13 or 20
  • Pick up a copy at the January 20 First Forum

At the First Forum, Allan Lindrup will facilitate our review of the draft document and gathering of input regarding changes we would like to propose. These will later be submitted through our church Administrator.

For more information, please contact Allan Lindrup at uusj (at) sbcglobal.net.