Caring for one another is a core spiritual practice for Unitarian Universalists. Pastoral care is the term we use for the ways we offer support and compassion to each other in the community. Pastoral care is administered by our settled minister, Reverend David Messner, our community minister, Reverend David Arksey, and our lay Pastoral Care team members: Margaret Huyck, Evelyn Johnson, Jim Proctor, and Barbara Randolph as of the 2024-2025 church year. Additional volunteers will be welcome and oriented to the work of Pastoral Care.

Lay Pastoral Care Team

A lay pastoral care team has re-formed who volunteer to offer a variety of services such as:

  • making regular phone calls or visits to check in on someone convalescing or living in a senior community;
  • sending cheering  notes to challenged members who are not currently able to attend services in person or who may attend via Zoom online;
  • staying aware of health or accident events that seriously affect members;
  • supporting the Joys and Sorrows activity – click here to share a joy or sorrow;
  • hosting the Love Notes activity being written by members and friends and mailed to those on the current Love List in our weekly newsletter.

The current Pastoral Care Team members will continue to provide the  services listed above and will meet each month to review the caring needs of our church community. 

New resources are being gathered to offer support and assistance around issues of aging and related health and mental health issues. The National Institute of Aging leads the federal government in research on aging and Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Links to online materials as well as free  written materials will soon  be provided in the church library. See: for more information.

Chicago Hyde Park Village creates an age friendly, inclusive and caring community to support the health and socially connected experience of aging. CHPV seeks to help its members and other neighbors to thrive as both providers and recipients of programs and services. See for more information.

Pastoral care is a multigenerational commitment in Unitarian churches and our team plans to meet with the Lifespan Religious Education team to consider the pastoral care available for our multi-aged youth and their families.

Love Notes for our 1st U Family

You are invited to join us at the Love Notes table during Coffee Hour to write a personal note to our Love List church members. The list of names and addresses, note cards, envelopes and pens will be available for you to write a “Hello” message or to say “I’m thinking of you”, “Get well”, “Thank you” or your choice. We will mail the Note for you. To get involved contact Barbara Randolph, Pastoral Care Team member, at

Joys and Sorrows

We share our good news and our challenges with each other during worship services. If you wish to share with the congregation, please click the button below and complete the form. This is also a good way to request support from Rev. Dave and the pastoral care team.

For support from Reverend David Messner:
Schedule a meeting through “You Can Book Me.”

For Lay Pastoral Care Team support:
Barbara Randolph, Pastoral Care Team Coordinator, at
Margaret Huyck, Pastoral Care Team Member, at
Evelyn Johnson, Pastoral Care Team Member, at
Jim Proctor, Pastoral Care Team Member, at