One of the first important tasks of the Search Committee for our new Minister is to survey the congregation to better learn who we all are, our and our families’ priorities, and our thoughts for the future.
Please help us by completing the Survey by Sunday, October 2. For those who aren’t able to complete the Survey online, you can complete a paper copy on Sundays at a table during Coffee Hour. A Search Committee member will be on hand to assist.
When you are filling in the Survey online, you can stop and restart and your entered responses will be there! The first question on the Survey asks for your email, which you must provide. If you leave the survey (close it), when you click on a link to restart it, as long as you do not change the email address in the first line, your previously filled in responses should pop up and you can advance through the pages by clicking the Next button on the bottom until you get to the place you left off.
Once you finish the Survey and hit the Submit button, a screen will appear that states that your Survey has been Recorded. IF you want a physical record that you submitted, you would need to hit “Control-P” on your keyboard to print that page while it is still on your screen (if you have a printer).
If you have questions or concerns, please contact:
Natasha at nwalkerfl2015@gmail.com or (650) 203-3563.
Thank you to those who have already completed the survey! I did, and I confess that I spent a lot of time on it because it provided many opportunities for me to express my thoughts, preferences, ideas and dreams for the future. But, it is structured so you can simply answer required questions and then as many open-ended questions as you want to, or none. We sincerely invite you to offer your insights because they will help us prepare the best profile of our congregation for our ministerial search application.
Margie Gonwa,
Search Committee Chair