First Unitarian is happy to welcome new members Daughon Langner, Virginia Pace, Ross Blythe, and Karen Brooker, who joined in December, 2021. We will feature our new members with their bios in the weekly email so you can get to know them. Today we introduce you to Ross Blythe.

Ross Blythe has lived in the Midwest all his life and in Chicago for the last 9 years, recently settling in the Tri-Taylor neighborhood. He pays the bills by working for a software company, but outside of work enjoys reading, dancing (swing dances like Lindy Hop and Blues dances), historical fencing, walking with his dog, and playing video games with his spouse.
Ross was brought up in and around Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian, and UCC churches, but never felt any connection to the ‘spiritual’ or metaphysical claims. Despite some mistrust of religious institutions, after college he got a job with Michigan Interfaith Power and Light, an environmental nonprofit that works specifically with houses of worship, hoping to earn a living in green/efficiency sectors. He was impressed by the environmental work of the Ann Arbor Unitarian Church, and recalls sheepishly asking one of the Unitarian board members if any atheists attended. A good natured eye-roll assured him that yes, indeed, atheists were welcome. Fast forward to the pandemic, and remembering that comment, Ross began attending First U online services looking for a group of people committed to making positive change in the world, to feel less isolated and alone in facing the challenges of today, to continue learning and growing.He’s getting involved with the Humanist Group, the Green Sanctuary Committee, and one of the co-chairs of the Annual Pledge Drive.