Minister Search: Timeline

First U Posts Upcoming Position[1] July 2022 | Complete                

Search Committee Retreat[2]August 2022 | Complete

Congregational Survey[3]September 12 – October 2, 2022 | Complete

Beyond Categorical Thinking Workshop[4] September 30 & October 1 | Complete           

Focus Groups[5] |September 20 – October 23 | Complete

Cottage Meetings[5] | October 30 | Complete

Minister Compensation & Contract[6] | November 2022 | Complete

Minister Document Package Uploaded[7]  | December 2022 | Complete

Review Resumes of Interested Candidates | January 2023 | Complete

Phone / Video Interviews | January 2023 | Complete

In-Person Interviews[8] |Feb/ March 2023 | Complete

Search Committee Selects Finalist | TBD | Complete

Candidating week/ Congressional Vote[9] | April 23 – 30, 2023

Finalization and Signing of Contract | TBD

New Minister Starts at First U | August 1, 2023

[1] This posting only lets the UU community (i.e. ministers thinking of a search) know that we will be posting a new position; no specific information is posted yet (all UU churches are allowed to post their materials and go through the process at the same time). 

[2] The Search Committee had an in-person 2 day retreat on August 20th and 21st led by a First U facilitator (virtually).

[3] Complete – we received over 50 survey responses to obtain critical feedback.

[4] Complete – this was a 3-hour virtual program for the benefit of the overall Congregation, led by UUA to help identify any implicit or overt biases and how to counteract/ learn and grow from what is learned. Thanks to all who participated.

[5] Complete – Additional focus groups were scheduled with staff, UU committees, and various UU groups. The cottage meetings/ focus groups built on what was learned from the member surveys.        

[6] Complete – Board to decide on final compensation and contract provisions. 

[7] The document is the overview of the position, First U, and other important facets that prospective ministers interested in applying will see. 

[8] Complete – In-person interviews include the candidate acting as a guest speaker at a neutral pulpit (typically other UU) location confidentially attended by the Search Committee. It is anticipated that 3 candidates will be hosted during this timeframe. 

[9] During Candidating week (April 23 – 30, 2023), the preferred minister who accepted the offer will come for an entire week (including 2 Sunday services). During that week, the minister will meet as many of the members as possible and learn about the church. After the second service, the church will vote whether to accept the minister.