First U Humanist Group


The Humanist Group continues to be vital and stimulating for its members and guests. The participants have a broad range of worldviews and interests, and enjoy sharing their thoughts and ideas with each other on a regular basis. We discuss many topics for a humanist or non-theistic view. The group meets twice a month, on second and fourth Mondays, at 7 pm in the Chris Moore Parlor. Over the five years of our history, we have touched most issues related to religion, belief, disbelief, atheism, gods, and spirituality. We continue to know that each of these words, and most others within our domain, carry far too many meanings for simple conversation. Sometimes discussions are structured around recent articles or essays proposed by group members, for example, Humanist Voices in Unitarian Universalism. We are working towards an extended focus on how we find meaning and purpose in life, and how we want to live out our time. For more information, please contact Allen Harden.

The Humanist Group has voted to adopt the following policy statement:

As members of the Humanist group we believe that participatory democracy is essential in a society dedicated to the flourishing of its members. We believe in increasing participation in our democracy, not limiting or restricting access to the ballot box. Efforts to restrict voting access fall heaviest on underrepresented communities and so limit full participation and voice in government. As members and friends of First U we also uphold the 5th Principle: “The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.”