This year’s Pledge Drive theme is Fortifying Our Strength Through Unity! Our optimism is strongly rooted in our thriving membership – seeing new friends at every Sunday service – and a blossoming interest in our diverse, weekly programs that energize our community. All the resources we have are those that we pool together; your generous financial contributions not only sustain us, but will make a profound difference in our continued growth and impact.

You can make your pledge now using the ONLINE PLEDGE FORM here.

Unity & Strength

Here are a few highlights from the past year:

  • The average of total guests has grown by 24%, demonstrating that First Unitarian attracts many people seeking a new church home and providing us the opportunity to increase membership.
  • Average attendance on Sundays has grown by 5%.
  • Increased participation in First Unitarian’s values-based social justice efforts such as volunteering at La Tiendita (food pantry and free donation clothing/household goods store for those inneed).
  • Notable growth in attendance and engagement in our MonthlyCommunity Meal and small group meets hosted by Rev Dave.
  • Youth attendance continues to expand and exciting weekday/weekend activities are scheduled through our OpenSpark Youth Gatherings.

2025 Initiatives:

  • Crossing Paths: An Interfaith Learning Experience is being offered to our youth for the purpose of exposing them to a variety of religious practices. Several church members are generously volunteering to lead these sessions.
  • The Social Justice Council held a very well-attended retreat with 5 thematic areas identified for engagement.
  • First U Concert Series was kicked off, as well as, our First U Band Open Jam.
  • The Board and church leadership are successfully managing the Church’s 2024-2025 operating budget – the funding of staff salaries, religious education, music, social justice, our building, and more.


These highlights encapsulate tangible examples of our righteous commitment to work towards social and economic justice and equality within the church’s walls and beyond. In church, inspiring sermons, a meaningful Life Span Religious Education, an amazing music program and social action groups fulfill our individual spiritual and emotional needs. With our community, we think globally and act locally to lessen suffering by helping the needy with shelter, clothing and food. But we can do more with your support.

By, With & Through

Our country is at an unprecedented, generational inflection point – economically disorientating and socially disturbing. We now face a critical choice. Do we act for the individual and collective good or watch while others decide what is good for us? Now is the time to renew our sense of purpose by building a better world together as individuals and collectively. Now is the time to go wider with each other as a force multiplier of positive change in word and deed. Now is time to go deeper through selfless acts of kindness. Because if not us, who? If not now, when? Now is our time.

Our goal for this pledge drive is 100% participation. Whether you are a member, friend, occasional guest or share our vision, we respectfully ask you to pledge, as you are able. We graciously thank our continuing donors and ask that you please consider increasing your pledge for the coming year. If you are unable to pledge due to financial distress, please contact the minister at

The Annual Pledge Committee – Leslie Davis, Margie Gonwa, Amos Biggers, Jan Holt, Linn Orear, Marc Saphir, and Reverend Dave – thank you for your generosity and commitment to help us thrive because We Are at Our Best Together!

We ask that pledges be made as early as possible and no later than May 4, 2025 so we can prepare a ministry plan for the coming year. Click here to complete the online pledge form.

What is given in love, is received with gratitude.

Thank you!

Marc Saphir
Chair, Pledge Committee

Making a one-time donation or an installment on your annual pledge? Click here for the 1st U Giving page.