Category: News

Love Notes

You are invited to join us at the Love Notes table during Coffee Hour to write a personal note to our Love List church members. A list of names and addresses, note cards, envelopes, and pens will be available for you to write a “Hello” message or to say “I’m thinking of you”, “Get well”, “Thank you” or your … Continue reading Love Notes

The Good Life Seminar – Wednesday, August 21

6:00 p.m. in Chris Moore Parlor The Good Life Seminar is a recurring Adult Religious Education opportunity at the First Unitarian Church of Chicago. In this highly-varied monthly series, we engage texts, frameworks, ideas, imaginaries, problems, and exemplars of what makes for a “good” life, individually and collectively. Register here! 

Music for Sunday August 11

What can I tell you? It’s going to be great!nn nnAnd when will the choir come back?nn nnFirst Practice will be THURSDAY Night the end of August.  Maybe that should be a separate event. It certainly can be.nn

Senior Support Group – Wednesday, August 28

3:00 p.m. via ZoomWhether or not we can come to church to be together physically, we can meet virtually. And like the Beatles song, we’ll “get by with a little help from our friends.” Join Zoom Meeting: ID: 861 1197 1754 | Passcode: Friends | Dial in: 312-626-6799

Global Studies Group Summer Reading – “Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America” June through September

Our summer read is Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America by Heather Cox Richardson. All are welcome, whether you have read the assignment or not! From the forward: America is at a crossroads. A country that once stood as the global symbol of democracy has been teetering on the brink of authoritarianism. How … Continue reading Global Studies Group Summer Reading – “Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America” June through September

Thirsty Theologians

6:30 p.m. at Jimmie’s We get together the last Wednesday of the month in a casual easy way and meet a few people. We have a drink (leaded or unleaded), eat some tater tots, share a story, and enjoy a summerish evening together. If you have not come before, give it a try now, if we have … Continue reading Thirsty Theologians