Green Justice

Green Sanctuary Group Recycles Styrofoam

Don’t throw your used styrofoam away! Do you know that your First U Green Sanctuary Group (GSG) takes used styrofoam to Dart Industries every month to be recycled? Bring your used – and cleaned – styrofoam food containers and packing materials to First U and deposit it in the large container in the Pennington Center … Continued

Styrofoam Recycling Program

The Green Sanctuary group has established a Styrofoam Recycling Program at First Unitarian Church! You may bring in Styrofoam packaging and CLEAN Styrofoam food packaging and leave it at the accumulation point in Pennington Center anytime.   The cardboard accumulation box is located in the first-floor hallway of Pennington Center, near the church office, and is set … Continued

First Forum: Reintroduction of Green Sanctuary!

Sunday, April 24 at 11:30 a.m. in the Chris Moore Parlor and via Zoom Join us in person and online for a reintroduction of the Green Sanctuary committee! This first form will focus on GS history, our past efforts, getting re-accredited with the UUA, as well as looking forward to future activities. Part of the program … Continued

“Kiss the Ground:” How Regenerative Agriculture Can Save the Planet

Saturday, April 2, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom How about some good news for a change?  KISS THE GROUND unveils a game-changer to our climate crisis: the Earth’s own soil. Here it is…we can reverse global warming.  The solution is called “Regenerative Agriculture,” and this film presents the research, practice, and hope we need to … Continued

Green Sanctuary and Climate Activism at First Unitarian Church

COVID-19 has slowed many of our activities at First Unitarian Church of Chicago and our working group concerning climate warming and other issues is no exception. For many years, First U has been identified as a ‘Green Sanctuary’ church. This means we fulfilled the national UUA standards for Green Sanctuary Churches some years ago. The Green Sanctuary … Continued