Children’s and Youth Programming for Sunday, August 25

Summer Maker Space: Making with String 
Ages 5-12 with Ms. Khadijat and Ms. Brigitte
Friendship bracelets, string games and more!

Next Sunday 
Maker Space Favorites – We will be bringing back a few favorite materials from the summer. Come on 8/25 to vote for your favorite!

Nursery care for children ages 0-5 will be available 9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. with Ms. Carolyn and Ms. Shennece both weeks.

Religious Education Parent Start of Year Zoom

Two options:
Sunday, September 8
4:00 -5:00 p.m.
Tuesday, September 10
6:30-7:30 p.m.

Drop in on Zoom for a quick check in with Liz and other parents in the program, and to get your children registered for religious education at First U this year.  If you can’t make either time, please reach out to Liz and we’ll make sure your child is registered in time for the start of classes on September 15th. 

Look out for the program schedule coming soon!

Open Spark Youth (OSY)

Register Here!
More information and upcoming events here

The truth is always accessible to a person. It can’t be otherwise because a person’s soul is a divine spark, the truth itself.
-Leo Tolstoy (adapted)

Open Spark Youth (OSY) is a group that creates a safe and brave space for friendship, creativity, learning, and action.The group is open to all youth aged 13-18, regardless of faith, tradition, affiliation, or lack thereof. We believe that our differences make us stronger.

The First You! Care Cabinet is open! It is located in front of the church, facing Woodlawn, just north of 57th. On an ongoing basis, we’ll collect donations of new, un-opened personal care and hygiene items.

Donations are going fast – please consider bringing something to share if and when you can, and don’t hesitate to take something if you need to. We accept the following:
– soap, body wash, face wash
– feminine hygiene products (any)
– toothpaste, toothbrushes
– dental floss, mouthwash
– shampoo, conditioner
– lotion/moisturizer, chapstick/lip balm
– tissues – bottles of water
– socks
– face/body wipes, wash cloths
– band-aids
– hair ties
– other items on a case-by-case basis — feel free to contact Liz with questions or suggestions

About Religious Education at 1st U

Choosing your child’s religious education program is an important decision, just as important as choosing your own religious home.

If you are searching for an open and affirming community in which your child can grow in spirit and in love, you have found the right place!  This is not your typical Sunday School. Unitarian Universalists believe there is no single answer to religious questions.  We encourage our children and youth to discover what gives meaning to their lives through age-appropriate sessions that that recognize individual styles and needs.

Sunday morning youth programs run concurrently or directly after our worship services. We offer…

  • An environment that is safe, nurturing, and fun.
  • A place for children and youth to wonder, ask questions, and discover their own unique spiritual nature.
  • A program that focuses on personal spiritual growth, open faith exploration, and living values in the larger world.
  • A diverse and multi-age community.
  • A meaningful, age-appropriate worship time in each service for children and youth.
  • Exploration of themes such as Unitarian Universalist identity, world religions, Jewish and Christian heritage, social justice, and more.
  • Special events that serve to bring our all-ages community together and enhance the experience of every child, youth, and adult.