Join our PROPERTY AND LANDSCAPING GROUP if you would like to help maintain our buildings and take care of building utilities and grounds. There are seasonal workdays as well as ongoing maintenance projects.

Property Committee Annual Report 2024

Mission: The Property Committee is tasked with maintaining the Society buildings and associated
building utilities and grounds. It consists of the main committee as well as the Landscape subcommittee
and the Interiors Subcommittee.

2023-2024 Leadership and Members:
David Puszkiewicz, Chair; Madeira Myrieckes,
Richard Pardo, Kent Richmond, Jon Rice,
Michael Knowles
● Installed 1 new water pump, seals
replaced on other three pumps
● All 4 boilers reconditioned 1/24
● Sump system replacement for
Sanctuary, Hull, and Parish House
completed summer of 2023
● Heat now controlled externally via
new digital system
● Two new toilets installed in garden
level restrooms
● New Tankless water heater 4/24
● PennCenter ramps repaired and sealed
● Sanctuary door to VOV, hinges repaired
● Reinvigorated Interiors Subcommittee with
Anita Snow, Natasha Walker, and Jan Holt,
Thank You:
Michael Knowles, Richard Pardo, Kent
Richmond, Jon Rice, Madeira Myrieckes

● Repair/replace portico tile floor over
● Repair retaining wall supporting front
lawn along 57th St/Woodlawn Ave
● Repair Hull Chapel doors
● Install new lighting on 57th St and Penn
Center entrances
● Repair automatic doors at front entrance
of the Sanctuary

Help Wanted:
We’re looking for new faces and fresh ideas to help us reenergize our spaces. Special
skills are nice but not needed or necessary. Opportunities for new friends and members:
Watch for special workdays coming soon. The LC is looking for someone to oversee the
care of the Chalice garden

Reported By: David Puszkiewicz