First of all, the volunteer job you take on should give you joy.
NOTE: This page is still a work in progress. Keep checking back as we develop job descriptions and more details for all the volunteer jobs — ongoing and short term — that need to be filled.
For example, are you a person who takes joy seeing a kitchen sparkle, or seeing a garden bloom, or watching a child’s face light up when you are able to give her a warm coat? We have opportunities for you to shine. Just drop a line to RevDave@FirstUChicago.org.
Or maybe you really like to solve the puzzle of making a website work the way it really should taking full advantage of new technology? Or maybe you would like to adopt just ONE page and make sure it is always up to date and accurately illustrated. We’ll give you whatever training you need. Contact the Communications Committee.
Are you happiest when you are making photographs, working in the garden, or getting involved in social justice action?
Whether you like to be out in the community helping neighbors or dealing with church archives in the basement, we can use your help!
As they say, many hands make light work.
Questions? Contact Rev. Dave at dhmessner@gmail.com
- Become a worship associate
- Join the gardening team
- Cook for the community meal
- Host coffee hour
- Help with the new library and bookstore
- Volunteer at La Tiendita at the Coppin Community Center
- Help with social media
- Join the Pastoral Care Team
We encourage you join an Affinity Group or volunteer to help our caring committee or even to get your hands dirty to get started. You can also check this website’s events calendar and home page for other opportunities to get involved.
Join the Social Justice Council’s Strive and Thrive Team
Captains are needed for First U’s Care Cabinet (outside collection box for toiletries) and for our Emergency Clothing Cabinet. Responsibilities include taking charge of organizing supplies and maintaining stock through creative advertising (eblast and order of service announcements, posters, special drives, etc.). Time investment will be as needed and is expected to be minimal compared to the appreciation you will generate! Contact: Sandra Rigsbee at ssrigsbee@gmail.com.. Meanwhile, please consider bringing personal toiletry items to share with those in need. We can use: soap (body wash, face wash); feminine hygiene products (any); toothpaste; toothbrushes; dental floss; mouthwash; shampoo; conditioner; lotion/moisturizer; chapstick/lip balm; tissues; small bottles of water; socks; face/body wipes; band-aids; hair ties.
Christmas Card Writing!
First U in coordination with UU Pen Pals of Illinois, who work with incarcerated individuals in the state Department of Corrections, has joined in on the Christmas card writing campaign. We have over 150 names to get at least one card to each, and hopefully more!
Card writing sessions will be held after service in Chris Moore Parlor on Sunday Dec. 1 and Dec. 8, and during the Community Meal on Dec. 4. For more information, please contact Jon Heuring. Hope to see you there!