Speaker: Rev. Don Cameron

Religion of an Atheist

Religion is not something you can inherit or put on like a suit of clothes. It is the values, principles, and purposes by which you live every day. Your real religion is what gradually becomes real to you.

A Principle for All of Us

What we got now just isn’t working. The entire middle class owns less than the wealthiest one-percent. Extreme inequality dictates that too many of us can never start a business, invest in our families, and so on. Racism costs everyone. The 8th Principle promises a new beginning.

Heresy of Self-Reliance

Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay, Self-Reliance may be the first proclamation of tough love. However, his gospel of sovereign individualism estranges us from the ground of our shared being – a ground that is watered by tears, tears which help us grow in forgiveness, mutual understanding, and love.