The Social Justice Council coordinates the activities of the CRIMINAL JUSTICE, GREEN SANCTUARY, REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE, and RACIAL JUSTICE task forces, and the GLOBAL STUDIES GROUP. See a need for more? With Council approval, you can create a new task force if your petition includes three interested people including a willing chair. The Chair of the Social Justice Council is elected by the congregation. For more details, contact Sandra Rigsbee.

All are welcome to participate at any level – attend events, offer suggestions on projects, have input in meetings, lead an action – whatever your comfort level. Your help is needed to make our church, our community, our state, our nation and our world a better place.

We also take on a number of short term projects and ministries which are typically listed in the church calendar or weekly mailing. (See Below)


Join the Social Justice Council’s Strive and Thrive Team

Captains are needed for First U’s Care Cabinet (outside collection box for toiletries) and for our Emergency Clothing Cabinet. Responsibilities include taking charge of organizing supplies and maintaining stock through creative advertising (eblast and order of service announcements, posters, special drives, etc.). Time investment will be as needed and is expected to be minimal compared to the appreciation you will generate! Contact: Sandra Rigsbee

Sunday Sept 1

Reclaim Our Vote Action
Join us in our voter outreach campaign! We’re writing 500 postcards in a grassroots effort to increase turnout in voter-suppressed areas of Georgia.

When:     Sunday, September 1st, 11am – 12pm

Where:  First Unitarian Church, Chris Moore Parlor

This is a nonpartisan initiative, organized by UU the Vote  in partnership with the Center for Common Ground/Reclaim Our Vote (ROV).

ROV’s  mission is to empower underrepresented voters. It is a grassroots campaign that works with local, on-the-ground partners to  build effective, respectful, and relevant campaigns that engage voters, mostly rural and often older voters of color, around upcoming elections. Through ROV’s get-out-the-vote work, they provide early voting locations and times, voter registration deadlines, information for free rides to the polls, and phone numbers for county election officials.
 Your help in this initiative is important! Please join us!

9/14, Saturday

10:00 am – 1:00 pm First U Team Volunteering at La Tiendita, the Free Clothing Coop La Tiendita@Coppin, 5627 S. Michigan Ave. Contact to sign up.